Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Lomba Fisika

tiba-tiba teringat dengan lomba fisika ini. dan tiba-tiba lagi mau nulis tentang ini,dan tiba-tiba pula.....aahhh.....
here we go the story

That was several years ago when I was on 3rd grade in JHS. I was one of the representatives from my JHS to compete in physics championship held by the state university in makassar. There were two teams sent by school at that time. Each team consisted two students. I was in a second team with my friend. (no need to mention the name..hihihih)

Proud,Happy,Nervous,Hesitate,and so forth the feeling that I got. proud because I could represent my school,nervous and hesitate cause I was not sure of my ability to tackle all the questions,but happy cause I was in a team with...eemmm..yeess...him.

okay.let me call it a "monkey love". i was so impressed and fascinated by him. (let me call "a fiend"). he's so smart in physics,so pious,but indeed so shy. that's why when my teacher asked me to join the team. Oh..Ya Allah.....*speechless. ( hahahaahahha...dasar anak SMP....)

when in the preliminary round,we had to finish the approximately 50 questions. and yes, we had to bring the calculator but the series (well i forgot this,intinya boleh pake kalkulator yang serinya gak canggih-canggih amat) and I brought my calculator. you know what I brought kalkulator model aci-aci,yang biasa dipake sama koko and aci kalo lagi itung-itung di tokonya. (hahaahahah....the most embarrassing thing).

cerita memalukan belum selesai bro! pada saat sesi menjawabnya,dimana silent room is so kept well by the committee. and JRENG!!!!!! kalkulator saya jatuh 2 kali ke lantai yang mengundang tatapan puluhan siswa pada saat itu (hooooo...maluuuuu sangaaatttttt.....) Honetly,I was not shy by the people surround me,I just can't get enough with the boy beside me.(yaeelaaaahh,,malunya sama si "a friend" haahahhaa..)

well,intinya I could never forget this moment ever. be existed in a team.not became a champion. embarrassing moment. and "a friend"

NB: this "a friend" refers to the person that I copied his sentences in my previous post called "words"
Admirable person in a miserable moment HAA! that's all. thanks :)

Rise and Shine

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