Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

English Battle 2012

Began this March with a Hectic event held by Language Center UNM, successfully dropped amount of sweat yet it was FUN! Spent Morning,Noon,Afternoon,Night and Almost Midnight in my beloved Almamater (Universitas Negeri Makassar).  What did I actually do????
Here you are,let the pictures speak louder than words.
  notes #englishbattle2012

TM #englishbattle2012 @ruang senat rektorat (masih full package office -_-)

opening ceremony #englishbattle2012.seksi acara bagian debate sok sibuk. (thanks for the candid,anyway)

seksi acara.debate crew.adjudicator. semacam multitasking.#englishbattle2012

semifinal round for debating #englishbattle2012
the all adjudicators for final debate. REUNITED UNMEDS!
MC-ing for closing ceremony

 The debate crew. MAJESTIC guys! #englsihbattle2012 with yuyun

Such a Majestic TeamWork
Rise and Shine

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